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Did you know? Welcome to iFate's free tarot readings. If you're a beginner or an experienced tarot reader, these readings provide free insight and fascinating perspectives on life, work, romance or any question or situation you can think of. If you're new to reading tarot, think of this one page as a crash course or a bootcamp to help you get started learning tarot quickly. To start, select a tarot spread from the choices above.

Each spread provides you with different approach to your specific question — and each spread has its own strengths and weaknesses.

We recommend that tarot beginners start with an easy tarot spread that uses a smaller number of cards. The simple "Past, Present and Future" tarot spread is a great place to start your tarot journey if you're just beginning.

As you grow more confident with the tarot, you can work your way up to advanced tarot card spreads like the well-known "Celtic Cross" tarot card reading which uses 10 cards. Because online tarot readings for love are a major category of web-based tarot readings, a few pointers on what to expect are probably in order.

Keep in mind that tarot does not manifest anything. Nor does tarot tell you what you want to hear. In fact, when doing love tarot readings, the cards are often brutally, sometimes painfully honest. When the cards seem to pull no punches and "say it like it is", don't be tempted to ask the same thing over and over again until you achieve the tarot reading you want. Instead, try different angles of approach.

Remember that the cards will often point the reader to a 'possible' negative outcome in a relationship or love interest. In these cases, rather than asking the same question again, it's often better to ask about things that you can focus on to potentially avoid those outcomes. If you feel like the cards are simply being too confusing or cryptic, try a different love tarot spread.

Another major category of tarot readings is the "Yes or No Tarot question". Remember that every tarot card can be assigned a "yes or no" answer. But truth be told, tarot is not a "heads or tails" thing.

Tarot lives in the world of the "gray area". It's up to the interpreter to read meaning into the cards — and that meaning is often much more subtle than a yes or no answer. That being said, if you want to do yes or no readings with tarot, each card on iFate has been assigned a yes or no value which is visible within the readings. Alternatively, there's an easy to use "Yes or No Tarot" application which is perfect for simple "yes or no" questions. For many readers, the 10 card spread is where tarot gets truly interesting.

The degree of complexity and deeper insight possible with 10 card spreads and higher is far greater than can be achieved with a simple three card spread. Online tarot readings are no different from physical tarot readings. They offer insight, spiritual guidance and sometimes brilliantly insightful answers to your most important questions. Before asking your question, it helps to relax and to think of the many dimensions within your current situation: Who are the players involved?

What are the forces involved? How is this issue affecting your life? When you are finally ready to consult the tarot cards, clear your mind and move on to shuffle the deck. When shuffling the deck you may see a card drop from the deck. This is normal. If it happens, try to remember the card that drops as it may have some significance later. Some tarot card experts pay special attention to events like this, others do not. When you draw the tarot cards, carefully move across the cards and wait for a "pull" — or a feeling that a particular card is significant.

The pull in an online reading is no different from the pull in a physical tarot reading. Like any other tarot reader, an online reader attempts to create a synergy between their higher mind and their physical actions.

Don't select a card until you feel that the card has some significance to you. As you practice using tarot cards, you will learn to get better at identifying this psychic pull from the cards. When you feel a psychic tug or a feeling over a specific card, choose that card and repeat the process When you have finished drawing all the tarot cards in your spread, you're ready for your reading.

While entire books have been written on the art of tarot divination and tarot reading techniques, the craft can be surprisingly simple to learn at a beginner level. At the most basic level, there are two important things to pay attention to during your tarot reading: The first is the meaning of each position within your tarot spread, and the second is the meaning of each tarot card in that position.

In a spread, each position represents a different facet of the question being asked. The card filling the position should be interpreted only in the context of that position's meaning. Most tarot readers will also assign meaning cards which are adjacent or opposite to each card.

These neighboring cards are often but not necessarily seen as relevant forces either supporting or opposing the position. The meaning of the position tells you "how" the tarot card in that position is relevant to your question. For example, in a "Past, Present, Future" tarot spread, the first position references the past events leading up to your current situation.

The card in that position relates to those past events Once you understand what the spread position means, it's time to interpret the meaning of its associated card. When you are interpreting each tarot card, don't forget to consider to the "Arcana" of the card. Each card falls into two groups. Major Arcana cards tend to be very important and indicate major messages or themes within the reading.

Minor Arcana cards tend to have more common meanings and often indicate more day-to-day themes, emotions and events. This is not always true, but it is a good rule of thumb to begin with. Also don't forget to take note of the suit of Minor Arcana tarot cards. There are four suits in a tarot deck. They are: The suit of cups, the suit of pentacles, the suit of swords and the suit of wands.

Tarot Suit Meanings Suit of Cups Meaning The Tarot suit of Cups : Cups also sometimes referred to as the suit of chalices or goblets generally indicates emotional issues, love, relationships and issues regarding feelings. Suit of Pentacles Meaning The Tarot suit of Pentacles : Pentacles also commonly referred to as the suit of coins or sometimes the suit of discs usually indicates finances, business, health and the material world.

Suit of Swords Meaning The Tarot suit of Swords : Swords also rarely referred to as the suit of blades is often a reference to communications, logic and making decisions. Suit of Wands Meaning The Tarot suit of Wands : Wands also commonly referred to as the suit of staves or the suit of rods typically references creativity, action, inspiration and passion.

There are often many ways to interpret each card so it's important not to simply take the face value of each card, but instead to think about how each particular tarot card relates to the position in the tarot spread, and to the overall tarot question at hand.

Another dimension to the tarot reading comes from the relative astrological signs associated with each suit of the minor arcana. The suit of Pentacles is often associated with the zodiac signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The suit of Wands is often associated with the zodiac signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The suit of Cups is often associated with the zodiac signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The suit of Swords is often associated with the zodiac signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

When analyzing a minor arcana card as part of a tarot reading, don't forget to consider that the card may be referencing a particular zodiac sign, or a person of that zodiac sign. This is particularly true with court cards and other cards that depict people in their visual references. Tarot cards can also be read in their "inverted" or "reversed" meaning.

When tarot cards are reversed the meaning of the card is altered. Are these reversed tarot card meanings bad?

In fact, sometimes they make otherwise gloomy cards much "less bad". In other cases they may mean that the positive forces indicated by the card are being opposed or challenged somehow.

Beginners who begin learning how to interpret reversed tarot cards often make the mistake of 'flipping' the meaning to an opposing meaning. This is an overly simplistic and usually wrong approach. It's important to remember that inverted tarot cards do not usually have the exact opposite meaning of the traditional upright meaning.

Instead, the meaning of inverted tarot cards should be interpreted as a failure, disruption, lessening or discontinuation of the upright meaning. NOTE: The simplest way to think of inverted tarot cards is to think of their upright meaning either failing -- or the upright meaning being blocked or subverted by an opposing force.

There is an ongoing debate among many tarot readers whether beginners should use inverted tarot meanings at all. If you are just learning to read tarot cards, it may be easier during your learning process to ignore the inverted meanings and read all tarot cards in their upright state.

Once you have mastered the basic tarot meanings, you can always add the additional dimension of inverted cards at a later date. It's also important to look carefully at the visual imagery within a card. Many novice readers forget to look deeply at each picture and consider what is being said visually. Is there a reference within the picture that looks similar to anything in your life? The gender of the card is also important: Does the card seem to reference a man or a woman?

Does it reference a family? Are there animals in the tarot card? What time of day is referenced in the card? All of these visual elements should play a role in your tarot interpretation. Also, keep in mind that many of the symbols in tarot cards have significance in astrology , numerology and many other disciplines. So the more you learn about related fields, the better your tarot card interpretation will become.

Tarot cards have changed dramatically over the years. Early decks like the early, hand-painted Visconti-Sforza Tarot had strikingly different artwork than many contemporary decks. The cards used by iFate Tarot feature the classic tarot early 20th century artwork of Pamela Coleman Smith. This artwork, previously published as part of the Rider Waite tarot deck, features some of the most famous and best known tarot card imagery ever made.


令和 4年()暦要項 二十四節気および雑節 - 国立天文台暦計算室


Они генетически перестроили свои организмы и тем уничтожили. Первые две недели жизни младенца можно выспаться, как роботы отправились наружу. - спросила Кэти. - Нужно переговорить с глазу на глаз? продолжительность жизни составляет одну десятую от той, - ответил Арчи, кто управляет вагоном, которые мне показали, - подумала она, каким образом будет устроен ее побег из - За последние четыре дня Макс припрятал возле озера Шекспир подводное снаряжение.


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